Lab Facilities
P.C. Hardware Lab
This Lab is well equipped with latest computer systems of different configuration for the purpose of training students. The lab is equipped with more than 12 new branded and 10 old computers. Computers are based on Intel and AMD processors like 8086, 80386,80486, PIII, Celeron and Duron. Motherboards of different types for testing purpose and advanced peripherals like different types of Printers, Scanners, Modems, CDD etc are also available in the Hardware laboratory.
Multimedia Lab
This lab is well equipped for the study of various multimedia software. This lab is intended for Information technology students in order to expose them to Multimedia Projects like Animation,3D Objects creation etc.
System Programming and Advanced Micro Processor Lab
This lab is established for the study of low-level programming, which includes assembly level programming and machine level programming. This lab is intended for Information Technology and Computer Science Students.
Network and OS Lab
Objective of this lab is to improve the knowledge in the field of Advanced Networking technologies.This Lab is well equipped for the study of various communication protocols like TCP/IPand the familiarization of Unix system calls like stat, fork and creation of semaphores etc.
Project Lab
Students can do any online project by using advanced software.This may be web based or stand alone software.This Lab will be help them for handful training in fields of project development cycles